Why do people say Chromebooks are bad?

Google's Chromebooks thrive in US classrooms but generate waste ...

On top of that, the Chromebooks are difficult to repair, generating harmful waste, imposing significant replacement costs and disrupting student learning, they added.Sep 2, 2023
Source : https://abcnews.go.com/Business/googles-chromebooks-thrive-us-classrooms-generate-waste-costs/story?id=102844506

Is it worth upgrading a 10 year old computer?

How often do you really need to upgrade your PC? - TechRadar

If you're still using hardware like that it's time to get rid of it. While the 'two-year rule' might be a tangible metric used by many tech enthusiasts, I prefer to abide by the 'ten-year rule' - if any part of your computer is more than a decade old, it's time to replace it.Jan 13, 2023
Source : https://www.techradar.com/features/how-often-do-you-really-need-to-upgrade-your-pc

What are 5 important things to consider when buying a computer?

Top 7 Things To Consider When Buying A New Computer To Avoid ...

Here are the top seven things to consider before you put down your hard-earned money on a new computer.1.The Amount of Memory (RAM) ... User Reviews for Longevity. ... Whether the PC is for Personal or Business Use. ... The Processor Used. ... For Laptops: The Case Type. ... Storage Capacity. ... Hard Drive Type.More items...•Dec 13, 2022
Source : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-7-things-consider-when-buying-new-computer-avoid-

How often should you get a new computer?

Signs it's time to replace your computer - Washington Times Herald

Age. Various technology experts weigh in with different advice regarding the life span of computers. Computer Hope says consumers should expect to replace a computer once every four years. Home Computer Help advises five years for desktops and three to four for laptops is a good time frame.Jan 5, 2022
Source : https://www.washtimesherald.com/news/lifestyles/signs-its-time-to-replace-your-computer/article_257e57ac-6e5b-11ec-9196-9372c4dc7fcc.html

Can I install Windows on Chromebook?

How to Install Windows 10 on Chromebook (But Wait, Why?)

To install Windows on your Chromebook: Take the Windows installation media (i.e., USB flash drive) and plug it into the Chromebook. Your Chromebook should boot directly from the USB device. If nott, press ESC as soon as the Chromebook boots.Feb 22, 2023
Source : https://cameyo.com/how-to-install-windows-10-on-chromebook-but-wait-why/

What is replacing Microsoft Word?

6 Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Word - TechRepublic

Google Docs, which is easily the most popular Microsoft Word alternative on this list, is free to everyone with a Google account.Jun 23, 2023
Source : https://www.techrepublic.com/article/5-free-alternatives-to-microsoft-word/